Sunday, November 11, 2007

Photos From Our Dinner Party At Apsley Manor

About 30 classmates enjoyed a soiree' at Roger Sherman's country estate, aviary, and farm -- Apsley Manor.  The center photo shows Roger's home.

In the upper, left photo, you may recognize Rodney James and George Coward seated on the far side of the table.  On the near side are Pat Williams and Annette Davis.  In the upper, right photo, you might recognize Butch Moody's bald head and see Sue Moody sitting in the foreground.

In the lower, right photo, Jimmy Musso's bald head joins that of Butch Moody's.  Alice Musso is sitting in front of JImmy.  I think O. B. and Charlotte Key are mid-range in the right side of this photo.  In the distance, on the right side, are Rodney James and George Coward.  On the left side of the table, beyond Jimmy Musso, are Allan and Annette Davis, Pat Williams, and someone else.

In the lower, left photo, Jimmy and Butch are again proudly showing off "old baldy."  I think James Edwards is also in this photo beside Alice Musso.


Monday, November 5, 2007

Welcome To The LHS Class Of 1959

Welcome to the Lakeland High Class of 59 blog. Please email Allan Davis any entries you wish to be entered in our blog. Text and images are acceptable. Allan's email address is Blog News.

For those of you not familiar with blogging, the name blog is a contraction of web log. Like most logs, blogs are organized by date, and stored indefinitely, usually by month and year. So what is good material for a blog? Just about anything you would like to put on the record. For example, you might want to make an announcement.

Christmas Soiree' -- 2007 Mark your calendars

You are hereby notified to gather -- one and all -- at Mary Futch's lakeside home on the afternoon of December 15, 2007 for a Christmas party. The format will be as usual-- bring a covered dish and your own [as Rush Limbaugh says] adult beverage.

Mary, with the assistance of Annette and Allan Davis, has
decorated her lakeside home in the Christmas spirit, for the enjoyment of all guests.