Monday, May 23, 2011

Jimmy Carling Passes Away From Lung Cancer

James Turner Carling

Marla Carling, Jimmy's wife, reports that he passed away in his sleep May 18, 2011, at about 9:30 PM.

About a year ago, Jimmy had the lower lobe of a lung removed and was told that the surgery was successful in removing all of the cancerous tumor(s).  However, four weeks later, to the day, he was stricken with a seizure.  The cancer had metastasized to two tumors in the brain.  Both tumors responded to radiation therapy and appeared to go away.  Then, a new tumor appeared on the other side of the brain.  In a period of two days, near the end of January 2011, Jimmy had five strokes.  He did somewhat recover from these strokes and seemed to be doing fairly well, despite being given about two weeks to live at that time.

Marla's prayers were answered in that Jimmy passed in his sleep and did not suffer excruciating head pain from the metastatic brain tumors.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Class Party May 14 2011

Forty-four classmates and guests attended this late spring, early summer party.  I managed to get a shot of everyone except Robert Wilson.  Robert, I offer my apology.  Please enjoy the following slideshow.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Ed Neel Fighting Early Stage Lung Cancer

Jayne Neel furnished to following information about Ed Neel.

"Ed was recently diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma Squamous Cell Carcinoma Link to Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the upper left lobe of the lung. It looks like we caught it early, but won’t know if we are out of the woods until after his surgery on 6/2/11 at which time they biopsy the lymph nodes and if they are clean, they will remove the upper left lobe of the lung. He is doing fine and had no symptoms, but was having a routine pre-op chest x-ray for a knee replacement when it was discovered. I think we may have been lucky in that the knee surgery was scheduled."

Ed and Jayne will appreciate your prayers and your thoughts in the upcoming days and weeks.