Thursday, December 15, 2016

Donnie Jane Wilt Suffering from COPD

Donnie Jane Wilt
Mary Lou Helm, at the reunion, informed me that Donnie Jane Wilt, now known as Jane Johnson, is suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).  She is currently hospitalized awaiting a lung transplant.

You may send her a card with your prayers and best wishes to

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Ronnie & Carolyn Lewis's 50 Wedding Anniversary Celebration

Ronnie (Hotdog) and Carolyn Lewis celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Saturday evening, October 15, 2016.  They have asked me to add photos taken at that event to our class blog.  Follow this LINK to view these photos.  This link will take you away from our class blog.

A benefit of this new format, which takes you away from the blog is that the photos are now viewable on tablets and smart phones.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Roger Sherman Donates Topical Bird Stamp Collection

Roger Sherman & Barry Myers

This is a photo of Roger Sherman and Barry Myers, Curator of the Lightner Museum in St. Augustine, last week when Roger donated his topical stamp collection of Birds on Stamps which might be interesting to the folks.  That appears to be an extensive collection.