Monday, July 7, 2008

Harrison Payne Rehabilitating At Wedgewood Nurnsing Home


Classmates sent their best wishes to Harrison and Marge.

The following is a note from Harrison's wife, Marge.

Sent: Fri, 4 Jul 2008 6:47 am

Just a note to let everyone know that they moved Harrison to Wedgewood Nursing home yesterday. They did not find a blood clot in his lungs (which is good news) - there are some kidney problems and he is still having trouble breathing when he gets up and moves a little. I do not see much difference now than before he was admitted to the hospital. His back pain is very bad because he is not able to move around much (there is not much they can do about this as he has had it for a long time.) I pray that he will soon be back home here with me and Molly. Thanks for all the prayers that have been send his way.



  1. Marge ! Please tell Harrison I just ran across your posting on "BRAVE NET" by accident ! He and I are OLE FRIENDS from High School Days ! I called Him once year or so ago . As I now live in Jomtein Beach , Thailand . And not get back to Lakeland in years ! If you can send Me a phone number and He able to accept calls I be happy to call and chat with Him ! I give Noth of You MY BEST WISHES and hope for a SPEEDY RECOVERY ! Will send this in e/mail form also to the address I got off Brave Net !


    Sandy Johnston

  2. Dear Marge,
    Please tell Harrison not to give up. I will pray for him and for you. May God bless you and keep you in the palm of his hands.

    Your friend,


  3. Arlene Sheridan JonesSeptember 7, 2009 at 8:28 AM

    Will pray for you and Harrison tonight.


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