Thursday, October 23, 2008

LHS Class of 1959 Thanksgiving/Christmas Party, 2008, at Mary Futch's Home

December 13, 2008, has been chosen for a get-together (soiree', meeting, etc.) at Mary Futch's. The time is 5:00 PM or thereabouts.  The format is as usual. Bring a covered dish, and if you desire an adult beverage, bring that also.  You may come early, if you wish to help with the setup.

There is a change this time, however. So that Mary is not left with tons of food to package, store and eventually dispose of, we ask that you take home with you any part of your covered dish delight that is not eaten by the end of the night.

Be prepared to participate in preliminary discussions concerning our 50th class reunion, which is tentatively scheduled for October 23 and 24, 2009.


  1. Sorry I can't make it to the get-together. Who knows... I could possibly be shoveling snow by December 13. Anyway... please keep me in mind if there is anything I, as a graphic designer, can contribute to the reunion. It is my hope that I will be attending.

    I just got back from my honeymoon (yup) in Italy.

  2. I was just doing some surfing and landed here. It is neat after all this time that y'all still stay in touch. A lot happens in 50 years. I hope you do pictures and stories of your reunion and I happen on your site again when they are posted. Would be interesting.


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