Attached is a picture of me with my dog, Rusty, who accompanied me almost everywhere. I even took Rusty to school on one occasion to Hazel Haley's class when we were doing presentations on "how to do something." My presentation was giving Rusty a bath and picking off the fleas. I remember George Coward demonstrating how to peel a grapefruit and wearing protective clothing with plastic apron and a face mask. I also remember Paul Schiff showed us how to play a clarinet. I remember this since Paul followed me and Rusty was still in the classroom and started howling like a coyote. I had to take him out of the room. The car in the picture is my red Pontiac Catalina convertible, which attracted cops like flies. I got 3 tickets within a year from the same policeman, officer Foster. During one vacation back in Lakeland from college, I came to a 4 way stop near LHS and on the other side of the stop was officer Foster. I got out of my car and waved him through. I was not going to let him give me a 4th ticket!! Bob Schwartz
Foster loved to ticket students. He wrote me one for doing 70 around lake Morton on my 165 Harley. It would only do about 50. When I told him if it would do 70 I would give it to him, he made it a warning.
ReplyDeleteIt was always difficult playing in front of others. But, as best I recall, Rusty had no ear for music.