Monday, June 28, 2010

Ferrin Hicks In Critical Condition

Ferrin Hicks, through his older sister, Peggy Dorminey, has asked that his classmates be notified that he is in critical condition at Lakeland Regional Medical Center.  Ferrin, on a voice mail, said that last week, he was declared clinically dead; however, he was successfully resuscitated.  For several days, he was in ICU, but as of June 30, he is in wing B, room 413A.  Peggy says that his cardiologist has stated that Ferrin has considerable cardiac disease, complicated by renal insufficiency and diabetes.


  1. I am sorry to learn of this. He has been one to stay in touch with his class better than many.
    My prayers go out on Ferrin's behalf, that the Lord will touch his body and bring forth life out of death. I pray his time on earth is to be prolonged and that the doctor will be amazed at his recovery. He is in God's hands and may God's perfect will be done.
    Arlene Sheridan Jones

  2. Ferrin, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Ihla Sloman


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