Saturday, May 14, 2011

Ed Neel Fighting Early Stage Lung Cancer

Jayne Neel furnished to following information about Ed Neel.

"Ed was recently diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma Squamous Cell Carcinoma Link to Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the upper left lobe of the lung. It looks like we caught it early, but won’t know if we are out of the woods until after his surgery on 6/2/11 at which time they biopsy the lymph nodes and if they are clean, they will remove the upper left lobe of the lung. He is doing fine and had no symptoms, but was having a routine pre-op chest x-ray for a knee replacement when it was discovered. I think we may have been lucky in that the knee surgery was scheduled."

Ed and Jayne will appreciate your prayers and your thoughts in the upcoming days and weeks.

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