Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Harrison Payne Hospitalized - A Note From Marge Payne

Just a note to let all know that Harrison was admitted to the hospital this past Sunday. His heart rate was way out of control. Yesterday he was in surgery for about five hours. At first they did a cath and said he only has one artery that is working in his heart and that is about 20 percent blocked but not enough to put a stint in it. Then they went and did more ablation surgery, The doctor said that hopefully he was able to do enough to stop the fast heart rate but only time will tell. Harrison is in the CCU right now - not sure when they will move him out - if he does well probably in the next few days. Please keep him in your prayers.


1 comment:

  1. Harrison,
    I spoke to the "Man Upstairs" this morning and he said he had a surplus of ushers right now and that he wouldn't be needing you for 10-15 years. So hang tough. We'll be keeping you in our prayers as you recover.:)


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