Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Latest Update on Helen Perdicaris Eady From Her Husband

Helen got to come home from the hospital for seven days. She enjoyed just being home and didn't want to go anywhere. She was still weak and not up to her normal standards and desires.

She entered the Lakeland Hospital this morning for 7 more days of treatment and test. If everything goes well she will then be referred to Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa for Bone Marrow Transplant.

Her phone number at the hospital remains the same except her room number is B668.  Remember, no fresh flowers,fruit or vegetables. Also remember she is listed as Sara Eady.

Thanks to all who called and visited her and especially those of you who stayed overnight with her. During this last seven days any one with the time and desire to spend the night with her, your help would be appreciated.

God continues to let his love and blessings flow.

The Eady Family

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