Saturday, April 21, 2012

An Update From Arlene Sheridan Jones

About lost David this past month but he is kicking again! Dave had some more bouts of check pain so was put in the St. Francis Hospital, in Greenville, SC on Mar. 22 for a heart Cath. They had to do a splint to open up the RCA which was 95% blocked. I may have told you that? After coming home he seemed to go downhill till we were trying to wait on an appointment he had when I had to end up calling EMS. He can be a bit stubborn as can be said of so many men, about these health issues. We live 35 miles from the GV hosp so like to use EMS so he can be stabilized on the way in or even in the driveway! This is why we are anxious to sell this piece of heaven we have enjoyed for so long, to return to the practical old familiar, comfy home grounds. We have not had an offer so we reduced the price twice now. We are covering up the in ground pool because it is way too much trouble with the leaves, and was not feasible to cover a pool up here as I had planned. We will have a wonderful new garden area.

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